First-generation students looked forward to graduation for years. Then the pandemic hit.
‘I am paving the way for both of us’
Students consider taking fall semester off as they await American University’s decision
Some worry about increased risks, others are concerned about challenges online classes could present
Petition circulating on social media calls for extending academic forgiveness
AU says existing policies won’t change
Despite professors’ best efforts, students struggle with online classes
Lack of motivation, connection and community makes participation difficult
AUSG takes action in response to coronavirus disruptions
Under state of exception, SG aims to provide relief to struggling students
Petition circulating on social media calls for a universal pass grading system
University says students should not expect the optional pass/fail system to be changed
AUSG elections shift requirements in the wake of COVID-19
Deadlines extended, in-person interactions moved online
Bender Library to stop onsite work for two weeks
Library will reassess reopening in two weeks, ASAC resources remain available online
Students grapple with loss of housing, finding new living spaces
University and students are working to make sure displaced students have a place to live
AU students sign petitions for pass/fail classes in response to the coronavirus outbreak
Hundreds sign online petitions to give students a pass/fail option
“Operation: Get me back as soon as possible”
Abroad, alt-break students describe their experiences of returning to the U.S.
AUSG declares state of exception in response to coronavirus
Rule suspension will allow unilateral action from SG President and Speaker